00 Introductory Words Deciphering Interview Hidden Rules and Stand Out From the Ocean's Selection

00 Introductory Words - Deciphering Interview Hidden Rules and Stand Out from the Ocean’s Selection #

Hello, welcome to the interview guidance course provided by Lagou. I am your career mentor, Brother Kun. Currently, I serve as the Director of Recruitment at Lagou and have nearly 10 years of experience in human resources and recruitment. I have previously worked at companies such as Meituan and New Oriental. Originally studying economics, I accidentally came across the working process of European headhunters and was deeply attracted by their professional analytical skills and proficient control over both companies and candidates. They can help a struggling company find suitable candidates and assist those candidates in finding job directions that fulfill their self-value.


Therefore, after graduating, I entered the domestic headhunting industry. Around 2010, the headhunting industry in China was just starting out, and the so-called headhunters were primarily responsible for telephone sales, simply and mechanically asking candidates if they were considering new opportunities. Although it was different from what I expected, after a year of telephone communication, I was trained to discover problems in a candidate’s work and changing work through their introductions. Later, in order to further improve myself, I joined an internet company. During this period, I experienced the rapid growth of the internet, conducted a large number of job interviews, and went through various tests, enabling me to judge a candidate’s true job-seeking purpose and personal characteristics through “rapid questioning and logical communication.” I helped the company recruit positions from initial assistant positions to executive positions, from individual support positions in the team to the construction of a whole new business. After years of training, I went from being an inexperienced recruiter to a recruitment expert who helps the company identify and solve problems and guide the company out of difficulties through talent acquisition or internal talent development.


The “551 Law” of the job market #

Are you familiar with the “551 Law” of the job market? The 551 Law states that there will be a 10% drop rate at each screening stage. To fill a position, at least 500 resumes need to be screened, about 50 candidates need to be interviewed, only about 5 candidates pass the interview, and ultimately, only 1 candidate can successfully join the company.


For recruiters within a company, they receive hundreds of resumes for at least one position every day, interview dozens of candidates, and send out 4 to 5 offers each week. They also recruit for 5 to 7 different positions simultaneously within a week. Therefore, it is evident that the workload for recruiters is immense, and interviewees need to control the rhythm of each stage and perform exceptionally well in order to achieve the best results. Therefore, it is crucial that your resume clearly describes your work content and project experience, your interview expressions should directly address the interviewer’s key points, and your offer communication should be flawless, as all of these factors are essential to winning your desired position.

Things to Know About Interviews #

  1. Resume has been read but no response yet: Most people have experienced this confusion. Every morning job seekers eagerly check their phones to see if they have received any reply to the resumes they sent out the previous day. They are thrilled to see the status “Your resume has been read” and eagerly wait for the interview invitation from their desired company—the morning passes, but no phone call comes. Lunchtime comes and goes, and still no phone call. Finally, the workday ends and there is still no call. The next day, and the next, and even after several days, there is still no news. They start wondering if their phone is broken or if the recruiters forgot to call…img

  2. The interview went smoothly but no job offer yet: Many have experienced this confusion as well. After a long wait, they finally receive a call for an interview. They are ecstatic and take time off work in advance, dress professionally, have a hearty breakfast to boost their energy, and prepare thoroughly for the interview. They go to great lengths to showcase their work experience and project knowledge. They confidently and positively impress the interviewer. However, have they noticed that sometimes the interviewer may probe a question in depth or occasionally furrow their brows? img

  3. Interviewed at many companies, but still no job offer: It is likely that many have experienced this as well. They have had many interviews, including with multiple companies, but have not received any job offers, leading them to doubt their skills and wonder if they haven’t worked hard enough or if their previous work experience wasn’t as good as they thought. It is possible that a certain tone during communication with the recruiters or an unintentional error in expressing opinions to the department manager completely changed the company’s perception of them and caused them to miss the opportunity to receive an offer from their desired company. At this point, they may feel that the path of job hunting is full of obstacles and start to deeply question their own abilities. In reality, the job search process is not as complex as imagined. In the following, I will share insights from an interviewer’s perspective: what details you need to pay attention to in your resume, what information you must include, how to present yourself appropriately to the interviewer, and how to make the interviewer feel that you are the candidate the company has been looking for.

Column Design #

  1. This column will address the following issues: Firstly, how to design a resume to make it competitive. For example, what kind of resumes do recruiters prefer? How to present the resume in a clear and logical manner? How to highlight the advantages of your resume for the position you are applying for? Which work projects can earn you points, and which projects, no matter how hard you describe, will only deduct points, and so on. Secondly, we will analyze the timing and methods of submitting resumes, providing targeted advice on how to submit your resume to increase the chances of catching the attention of the interviewer based on the analysis of big data regarding recruiters’ working hours. Furthermore, we will discuss how to introduce yourself during the interview in a logical and welcomed manner. We will explore the interviewer’s actions that indicate their interest in your experience, and how to present your experience from a different perspective when there are doubts. Also, have you ever wondered if you really have value to offer to the company? Are you truly the person the company is looking for? Only by understanding your own value can you negotiate a salary that matches your abilities. In this column, we will briefly introduce industry salary conditions to help you better understand how to position yourself. We will also guide you on how to make clear judgments in choosing the most favorable offer for your professional development when you receive multiple job offers. Lastly, after overcoming countless difficulties, you finally receive an offer. But how can you leave your current company on good terms? How can you handle the transition of benefits like social security and housing fund between two companies? In the final part of this column, I will share tips on how to gracefully part ways with your current employer. img

    1. You will get answers to all the questions you encounter in the job search process, whether you are a fresh graduate who has just stepped out of campus or an experienced professional who has been working for many years. As long as you have encountered the above problems in the job search process, we will provide answers for you. Through this column, you will gain the following:

      • You will be able to write a resume that grabs the attention of interviewers directly.
      • You will learn how to highlight your strengths, project experience, and personal expertise in your resume.
      • You will learn how to answer common interview questions wittily and gain praise.
      • You will learn how to choose a job that is best for your career development and make a perfect plan for your future.


  1. Message from the course

After reading this column carefully, I believe that you will have a fresh and hopeful journey in your career through reshaping yourself.
