02 Understand Job Description ( Jd) Accurately Apply With a Resume

02 Understand Job Description (JD) - Accurately Apply with a Resume #

Hello, I am your interview course teacher, Yang Yukun. Welcome to Lesson 02, “Understanding Job Descriptions (JD) and Accurate Resume Submission.”

1. Clearly understand the recruitment requirements of the hiring department #

In the previous session, we discussed how to design a resume, and I believe most of you have mastered it easily. However, this is just the beginning of submitting a resume. The key point is to have a clear direction of the job. Many people rarely read the recruitment announcement of the company carefully when submitting a resume. They simply submit it without considering the fit between their own work content and the position. Some even submit multiple times for the same position or multiple positions within the same company, especially for recent graduates. Most people may think that submitting multiple times increases the chances of catching the attention of the interviewer. However, it is often the opposite. If your work experience has no relevance to the position, the HR department will eliminate your application and put it in their resume database. Additionally, many companies make notes on unsuitable resumes in their database, and when they use your resume again, the interviewer will refer to the previous evaluation.

Tips: If you don’t want to leave a negative impression in your desired company, it is advisable to submit your resume carefully.

When submitting a resume, it is important to pay attention not only to the job description but also to the company’s requirements regarding years of experience and job level. For example, it is common to see young professionals with only one year of work experience applying for a director-level position that requires 8 years or more of experience. This leaves a very bad impression on the HR department, as they perceive the candidate as lacking clear self-assessment and sometimes even being restless.

First impressions are very difficult to change, so it is recommended that you make two preparations when submitting your resume:

  • Thoroughly research the company you are applying to and have a clear understanding of whether their business aligns with your career development direction.
  • Ensure the position you are applying for is in line with your previous work experience.

Only a resume that meets these conditions will be invited by the hiring company.

Below is a job description for a “Product Manager” position at a certain company:


Based on the above job description, there are a few points to note:

  • In the job description, there are frequent mentions of “independently responsible for,” “responsible for specific tasks,” and similar phrases, indicating that this position requires you to independently complete projects. If you still rely heavily on guidance and supervision from others, it is best not to blindly apply for this position.
  • The required years of experience: this is a position that requires work experience, such as 3-5 years of experience. Usually, HR prefers candidates with around 5 years of experience, and having 3 years of experience is the minimum requirement. If your work experience is less than 3 years, it is best not to attempt to apply, as you will likely be rejected.
  • The fourth point in the job requirements indicates that the position is very demanding and offers high growth potential. If you prefer a lower workload or a more relaxed job, you should carefully consider this.

Recommendation: When submitting a resume, pay close attention to the wording and details in the job description provided by the HR department. This will enable you to accurately apply for the desired position and ultimately receive a satisfactory job offer.

2. The most reasonable help comes from your inner strength #

Having a well-written resume does not come from simply putting it together; it requires daily hard work and continuous reflection. Therefore, even if your resume is well-conceptualized and logically structured, any lack of personal experience and effort on the projects listed will easily be noticed.

You must take your work seriously and carefully consider your career planning with each job change. This will help you have a perfect resume and a complete career plan.

Many recent graduates may ask, “I have no work experience, and I don’t know what I want to do. How can I possibly know what I am suitable for without trying?” In fact, many individuals have a clear direction after studying a particular degree in university. However, if you believe that your chosen major is not what you enjoy, you may consider applying for a management trainee position, which will allow you to spend 1 year experiencing different roles and might be helpful for your career development.

For those who have been working for 2-5 years, I believe you have been working on a position for at least 2 years. If you are still indecisive at this point, it is necessary to carefully consider your own career planning.