03 Grasp the Golden Time Slot for Submitting Resumes

03 Grasp the Golden Time Slot for Submitting Resumes #

Hello, I am your interview lesson teacher, Yang Yukun. Welcome to the content of Lesson 03, “Grasping the Golden Time to Submit Resumes.”

We all have different types of jobs and constantly set our own work schedules. When summarizing at the end of each month, we may find that certain tasks are always done at a fixed time, or that the probability of initiating the same task during a certain time period is very high. And it’s not just ourselves, but also our colleagues who work in the same field. This is the arrangement of work schedules for different types of jobs. Recruiters are the same - they also have fixed time periods for reviewing resumes and conducting phone interviews. If you seize this “golden submission window,” you are capturing the attention of recruiters, which increases the likelihood of receiving more attention.

HR Work Schedule #

Every company, especially internet companies, has a large number of recruitment needs. So how do HR personnel handle so many demands? Is their daily work schedule regular?

As a senior HR professional, even though I try to plan and schedule my work time every day, my own data is too limited. So I asked the developers at Lagou.com to provide me with relevant data, and the results are very similar to my daily work arrangement. Therefore, the work rhythm of HR personnel in different companies is generally similar.

The diagram below shows the work schedule of HR personnel at Lagou.com:


According to the graph above, the most active time for HR personnel is from 11am to 12pm and from 4pm to 5pm. This means that during these two time periods, our recruitment team is busy screening resumes on the recruitment platform, reviewing resumes from different candidates.

If a job applicant submits their resume between 10am and 11am in the morning, or between 3pm and 4pm in the afternoon, their resume may be prioritized. I believe you have also had this experience: in the morning, people tend to have better focus and attentiveness, making it easier for recruiters to spot resumes that are submitted.

Job Applicant’s Submission Schedule #

We have analyzed the most active time periods for HR personnel, but do job applicants also have a peak period for submitting resumes? How can they avoid peak periods? I also asked the developers to provide me with data on resume submissions at Lagou.com.

The diagram below shows the submission schedule for job applicants:


As shown in the graph above, the peak period for job applicants to submit resumes is during the morning from 11am to 12pm and in the afternoon at 4pm. This completely overlaps with the time period when HR personnel are screening resumes. I believe you have also had a similar experience: when you are fully focused on a certain task, you won’t pay attention to newly submitted resumes, which is why resumes sometimes go unnoticed.

By analyzing the two sets of data above, I believe you now know the time periods when HR personnel review resumes. Therefore, the “golden time period” for submitting resumes is between 10am and 11am in the morning, or between 3pm and 4pm in the afternoon. So, starting from now, adjust the time you submit your resume and present it to HR during a better time period.