04 Prepare Adequately for the Interview

04 Prepare Adequately for the Interview #

Hello, I’m your interview course teacher Yang Yukun. Welcome to the content of Lesson 04: “Be Fully Prepared for the Interview”.

Analysis of HR’s Daily Workflow #

You may ask: Isn’t HR just sitting in front of the computer every day waiting to receive resumes and then immediately screen them? Why is there a “golden time to apply” concept? Shouldn’t you be able to apply anytime? If you have this doubt, you misunderstand the work of HR. Receiving resumes is only part of their work. HR has many other tasks to handle every day, just like colleagues in different positions who are responsible for multiple tasks at the same time.

First of all, phone communication is a part of the core job of HR. Phone communication is not simply about informing candidates about the time and location of the interview. However, most people feedback that they are only notified about the interview during the phone call, without anything else mentioned. In fact, before the phone communication, HR has already carefully read the resume and marked any questions they have. During the phone call, they will confirm the specific issues with you.

Therefore, phone communication can be categorized into two types: phone appointment and phone confirmation.

  • Phone appointment is quite clear, it is to confirm the interview time.
  • Phone confirmation generally happens when HR is not sure if you are interested in the position or if there are significant issues with your resume. In other words, when you receive a phone call, do not be too casual, because HR will subconsciously judge your words and this judgment may have an impact on your interview.

How can you perform well during phone communication?

  • You must have some understanding of the company you are applying to. As mentioned earlier, many people casually apply for jobs and don’t even remember which companies they have applied to. Therefore, during phone communication, recruiters do not like to hear questions like “What does your company do?” or “Can you send me the job JD for this position?”… They will think that you did not take the position seriously.
  • Your tone during phone communication is very cold and your mood is clearly not good. In fact, HR can clearly hear the personality and behavior of the other person on the phone. For example, some people have a negative tone, giving HR the impression that the person is not passionate about work; some people have a very strong and aggressive tone, which easily gives HR the impression that the person is difficult to get along with.

Therefore, remember the companies and positions you have applied to and give HR the impression that you are prepared. Master communication skills, express your thoughts and opinions clearly, and use a friendly tone. HR should be willing to communicate with you and leave a good impression.

Next, arranging interviews also takes up a lot of HR’s time. In this process, your performance can also be preliminarily judged by HR. How can you perform well in interview arrangement?

  • Be punctual and try to arrive at the interview location 5 to 10 minutes in advance. Many hiring companies like people who adhere to time, and HR arranges many interviews every day. It is possible that the interview time for each candidate is consecutive. Being late may affect the interviewer’s schedule. If there is a special reason, it is best to notify HR 0.5 to 1 hour in advance, and try to adjust the interview time.
  • Maintain personal hygiene. Regardless of any occasion, it is difficult to be welcomed if personal hygiene is very poor. You don’t need to wear luxurious clothes, just keep your attire neat and clean, which will leave a good impression on HR.
  • Be courteous. There is an old saying in China, “Courtesy costs nothing.” Although HR is only helping you coordinate the interview, it also plays a significant role in whether you can be hired. Therefore, maintaining a polite and humble attitude and behavior can earn you extra credit.

Of course, in addition to the above-mentioned job content, many HR professionals are also responsible for conducting interviews, issuing offers, and handling entry procedures. These topics will be discussed in detail later.

Analysis of Other Job Application Channels #

Currently, there are several main channels for HR to receive resumes, including job recruitment websites, headhunters, employee referrals, and campus recruitment. Next, let’s discuss what kind of job seekers are suitable for these channels to help you accurately determine which channel can better find a job and the desired company.

  1. Job Recruitment Websites

No need for much introduction, many job seekers are currently using them, such as Lagou.com. It is a company that focuses on the vertical Internet field. If there are job requirements in R&D, product development, operations, and other Internet-related fields, you can post job openings or find talents on this website.

When I was interviewed, people often asked: Do companies really have job vacancies when they have job openings posted all year round? Are companies really interested in hiring people or are they just doing it for show?

You may also have such doubts frequently. In fact, many companies that post job openings are continuously recruiting. The urgency of recruitment may not be as high as it seems. It could also be a reserve position. HR will first post the job opening and carefully review the resumes that are submitted until the most suitable candidate is selected to arrange an interview.

  1. Headhunters

The requirements for candidates through headhunters may be higher, and it is generally a channel used for senior managers or industry experts. If you only have 1 to 3 years of work experience, you may not need this channel for now.

Have you ever wondered why you received feedback that you are not suitable even though the job position seems to be suitable?

At this time, you need to examine your resume. As analyzed in Lesson 01, have you truly highlighted your advantages? Does the content of the job position reflect in your resume? Have you paid attention to the required years of work experience? Have you reflected your project experience in your resume?

  1. Employee Referral

Employee referral is a very good channel with a very high success rate. If you have a good relationship with classmates or friends at a desired company, ask them to refer you to HR. You may receive feedback very quickly, but the interview result still depends on your own efforts.

Why is it that when I apply directly to the same company, there is no follow-up, but when recommended by a headhunter or through an employee referral, there is an interview opportunity?

In fact, the work of headhunters is not that magical. Each headhunter consultant will communicate with you when recommending your resume. During the communication process, they will extract the advantages that are not demonstrated in your resume. Then, the headhunter will modify your resume to highlight the key points of your work, so that HR can clearly capture the desired information. That’s why it is so important to write a valuable resume.

  1. Campus Recruitment

I believe everyone has experienced campus recruitment. This channel mainly targets recent graduates and is held every year in March or October. If you have already left campus, you will not be able to participate in this channel’s recruitment.

So now, what does Internet companies value more, educational background or skills possessed?

Some people may feel uneasy: my educational background is not very good. When companies recruit, do they value educational background or my skills? Of course, many people will tell you that educational background is very important, and at the same time, companies will also pay attention to your ability to learn. If you make efforts to improve your educational background later on, it can fully demonstrate your proactive learning attitude and will also be welcomed by companies. Of course, if you have very good project experience and have been responsible for excellent projects in your past work experience, it can completely cover up the gap in your educational background.

I hope that through the analysis of the above channels, you can use them accurately and get opportunities for invitations and interview processes.