07 Skillfully Promote Your 3 Key Skills

07 Skillfully Promote Your 3 Key Skills #

Hello, I’m your interview course teacher, Yang Yukun. Welcome to the content of Lesson 07, “Three Tips for Promoting Yourself Cleverly”.

Maintain a Calm Attitude and Show Your Enthusiasm #

When selecting the right candidate, most companies generally screen from several aspects: first, whether the candidate has relevant project experience; second, whether the candidate is intelligent or has the ability to independently solve problems; finally, whether the candidate can fit into the team atmosphere and has an enthusiastic attitude towards the company or the industry.

The first two aspects mentioned above refer to the interviewee’s industry experience and intelligence, which are certainly important for a company in the recruitment process, but they are not the key factors for a team to succeed. I believe that when many companies choose candidates with less than five years of experience, the evaluation of these two aspects will definitely be lower than that of the candidate’s character.

You may wonder if character (work enthusiasm) is really that important for a company compared to emotional intelligence or work experience. I can tell you with certainty that interviewers are very fond of candidates who are outgoing, proactive, and eager to take on challenges, while they are also very averse to candidates who only care about personal gains and losses and push all the responsibilities to their previous employers. I believe you have also encountered similar colleagues in your work. Can you recall if you also felt averse to them at that time?

img If there is a team member with a relatively negative character in a team, it is easy to infect other team members, thereby causing the entire team’s productivity to decline. This is what we often refer to as the “Law of Alcohol and Sewage”: if you pour a spoonful of alcohol into a barrel of sewage, you get a barrel of sewage; if you pour a spoonful of sewage into a barrel of alcohol, you still get a barrel of sewage. Therefore, for interviewers, the candidate’s character and attitude are extremely important.

img How can you show a positive and optimistic attitude in front of the interviewer?

First, you need to demonstrate your sense of identification with the position and the company. Let the interviewer see that you have made thorough preparations for this job or actively introduce the similarity between the projects you have done before and the projects of the company you are applying to. These behaviors can make the interviewer feel your enthusiasm and positive output. It is strongly advised not to answer questions mechanically during the interview.

For example, when the interviewer asks “Why did you choose your current job?” if you simply answer, “I like this job,” without any explanation, the interviewer cannot judge the authenticity of what you said. In this case, it is recommended to answer like this: “Because my current job is very similar to the xxx project I worked on before. I learned xxx skills while participating in the previous project and found a new development direction, so I fell in love with this profession.” I believe that only through this kind of expression can the interviewer feel your enthusiasm and positive attitude. Furthermore, you can introduce to the interviewer a case in which you got along well with colleagues and leaders in your previous company, allowing the interviewer to feel that you are a person who actively integrates into the team. For example, “What growth did you achieve in your previous company and what working and personal development strategies did you learn from your former leader?” I believe the interviewer will consider you as someone worth nurturing and someone who takes initiative in learning.

Understanding industry development and expressing your views clearly #

In addition to demonstrating positivity and enthusiasm, if you can express your understanding or insights into the industry and the work you are involved in during the interview, I believe the interviewer will be deeply attracted by your expression, and it will also strengthen their confidence in wanting to hire you.

For example, when the interviewer asks, “How do you perceive the value of the work you are currently doing?”, if you answer like this, “I think it’s just a job that provides income, and I don’t have much feeling about it, nor do I know what my future development will be like,” the interviewer will judge you as someone who lacks any kind of reflection and is unlikely to make any achievements in your position.

In this case, it is recommended to answer like this: “I really love my job. I feel that my position plays a very important role in the current industry’s development. The projects we have done have contributed to the company’s growth, improving the company’s performance from XX% to XX% (here, provide some examples of projects you have worked on). Furthermore, I hope to continue doing this kind of work because it gives me a sense of accomplishment. I believe the industry development is xxxxxxxxx, and my career planning will also benefit greatly from this industry’s development.”

When the interviewer hears such an introduction, they will have a clear understanding that you have already thought deeply about your work, and they will also feel that you are not just limited to your own field of work, but also plan your career based on industry changes and understanding. You will be seen as a candidate with great potential.

Approach every interview sincerely #

Of course, besides having a positive attitude and clear positioning, you must also be a sincere and honest person. If you perform well and have comprehensive thinking during the interview, but only maintain 50% truthfulness regarding the actual content of your work, it will be easy for the interviewer to see through this, and you will be labeled as insincere, naturally ending the interview.

Therefore, many companies value whether candidates are honest and sincere. Perhaps your professional experience is not very extensive and the project content is not perfect, but if you present what you have done truthfully and completely to the interviewer, while adding your own reflections, I believe many interviewers will consider your years of experience and provide you with fair feedback.

img Through the above three aspects, you can understand that during an interview, interviewers value character the most, followed by personality, and finally work experience and education. I hope that after listening to the content of this talk, you can actively face your position and think about how to effectively promote yourself.