11 Clear Goals and Channels for Aspirations

11 Clear Goals and Channels for Aspirations #

Hello, I am your interview instructor Yang Yukun. Welcome to Lesson 11, “Setting Clear Goals and Communicating Effectively.” In the previous two lessons, I shared with you how to clarify the position and nature of the work you want to pursue, as well as how to better judge where your value lies. Once you have clarified your goals, let’s discuss how to better communicate in order to secure your desired offer. Now let’s talk about the preparations you need to make when discussing an offer.

Know what you want #

Before discussing salary, you need to determine what you really want and what you hope to gain from this job change. For example, do you want to work in a company with a harmonious team atmosphere, do you want to accumulate more project experience, or do you simply want a salary increase? When you know what you want and express it clearly, HR will match the position with your expectations, or you can directly ask HR if they can meet your requirements. img Some people may say, “What should I do if I really don’t know what I want from this job change?” You can refer to previous work experiences that made you feel uncomfortable or frustrated, and think about the reasons behind them. Write them down on paper and mark which areas you hope to improve and grow in. img By doing this, you can think about whether this company can provide what you want during the interview or communication with the interviewer.

Understand your strengths #

Once you have a clear idea of what you want, you also need to know what value you can bring to the company. This will enable you to negotiate more effectively when it comes to salary. After the interview, HR will have made a fair assessment of your performance, and these assessments should reflect the value you can bring to the company. How do you evaluate the value of your strengths? First, you need to determine whether your strengths are soft or hard:

  • Soft strengths refer to personality traits (such as being easy-going and dependable), which many people possess, so the value of these strengths may not be very competitive.

  • Hard strengths refer to the advantages provided by your previous work experience (such as project experience or professional experience), which are more competitive than soft strengths. img Furthermore, if you have rare project experience or professional experience, your hard strengths become even more competitive.

Do not antagonize HR #

When discussing an offer, it will inevitably come down to the issue of salary. Have you ever felt like, “The salary range on job websites is high, but HR says they can’t offer that much?” The salary range displayed on job websites is slightly higher in order to attract users. However, what ultimately determines your salary is not the salary range on the website, but your actual capabilities. HR will determine the appropriate salary range based on your capabilities. So it’s not that HR is unwilling to offer you a higher salary, but rather you need to assess whether you have the ability to earn a higher salary. img If HR asks you for your expected salary, how should you respond? If you are not clear about the company’s salary structure, you can consider giving HR a range for your annual salary. However, it is recommended that the salary increase you propose does not exceed 20% of your previous salary. Of course, if you are exceptionally outstanding or the position is in high demand, you can consider asking for a larger increase, but don’t go too far. img Therefore, no matter how salary negotiations go, it is recommended that you maintain the right mindset and try not to see HR as your enemy, because HR also has KPIs and hopes that outstanding candidates can accept their offers. Treat HR as a friend, first calmly confirm any doubts or unclear information with them, and then clearly express what you expect. Alternatively, you can ask HR to tell you what they can offer you, and then give each other some time to consider (preferably not more than a week, otherwise you may miss the opportunity). I believe that this kind of communication method will make everyone more pleased. img

Communicate honestly #

After going through multiple rounds of interviews and communications, when it comes to discussing an offer, you should also demonstrate sincerity. Don’t give HR a sneaky impression at the critical moment, otherwise all your previous efforts will be in vain. img I believe that after completing this lesson, you will be able to secure a satisfactory offer and smoothly enter your new job.