21 Backup and Migration

21 Backup and Migration #






Solution #

Offline Solution #

  • Snapshot
  • Reindex
  • Logstash
  • ElasticSearch-dump
  • ElasticSearch-Exporter

Incremental Backup Solution #

  • logstash

Backup Using Snapshots #

Configuration Information #

Before registering, make sure to add the configuration information to the elasticsearch.yml file:

path.repo: ["/opt/elasticsearch/backup"]

Create a Repository #

Register a repository to store the snapshots. Please note that this does not generate a snapshot, it only registers a repository.

curl -XPUT '' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
    "type": "fs",
    "settings": {
        "location": "/opt/elasticsearch/backup",
        "max_snapshot_bytes_per_sec": "20mb",
        "max_restore_bytes_per_sec": "20mb",
        "compress": true

To check the repository information:

curl -XGET ''

The response will be:

[root@STOR-ES elasticsearch]# curl -XGET ''
  "repo_backup_1" : {
    "type" : "fs",
    "settings" : {
      "location" : "/opt/elasticsearch/backup",
      "max_restore_bytes_per_sec" : "20mb",
      "compress" : "true",
      "max_snapshot_bytes_per_sec" : "20mb"

Create a Snapshot #

curl -XPUT '' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
    "indices": "bro-2019-09-14,bro-2019-09-15,wmi-2019-09-14,wmi-2019-09-15,syslog-2019-09-14,sylog-2019-09-15",
    "rename_pattern": "bro_(.+)",
    "rename_replacement": "dev_bro_$1",
    "ignore_unavailable": true,
    "include_global_state": true


  "snapshot" : {
    "snapshot" : "snapshot_1",
    "version_id" : 2040399,
    "version" : "2.4.3",
    "indices" : [ "bro-2019-09-14", "bro-2019-09-15", "wmi-2019-09-15", "syslog-2019-09-14", "wmi-2019-09-14" ],
    "state" : "SUCCESS",
    "start_time" : "2019-09-18T05:58:08.860Z",
    "start_time_in_millis" : 1568786288860,
    "end_time" : "2019-09-18T06:02:18.037Z",
    "end_time_in_millis" : 1568786538037,
    "duration_in_millis" : 249177,
    "failures" : [ ],
    "shards" : {
      "total" : 25,
      "failed" : 0,
      "successful" : 25

Restore the Data #

Scenario #

This section introduces the scenarios in which the solution can be applied.

Considerations for Migration #

  • Version: Migrating data from lower versions to higher versions.
  • Multi-tenancy adaptation.

Data from multiple factories enters different indices. The data from the original index “bro-2019-09-15” needs to be moved to “factorycode-bro-2019-09-15”.

  • Migrating data multiple times or in batches.
  • Enriching data during migration.
  • Separating FieldMapping and data information?