Live Extra How to Advance From a Beginner to a Go Language Expert

Live Extra How to Advance from a Beginner to a Go Language Expert #

Hello, I’m Kong Lingfei, nice to see you again.

Regarding my learning experience and project practice in the Go language, I have some new thoughts and summaries recently. Therefore, on the evening of March 31st, I conducted a live stream on Geek Time with the topic “How to Go from Beginner to Go Language Expert”. The playback recording and PPT of the live stream are available here. You can download and review them on your own.

In this live stream, in addition to the content that we have covered in this course, I also shared the complete learning path from beginner to Go expert, as well as a software architecture based on the declarative programming paradigm. As an engineer with many years of experience in Go project development, I divided the proficiency of Go language into five levels: beginner, intermediate, advanced, senior, and expert. In this live stream, I shared efficient learning methods for each stage to help you accelerate your progress in advancing Go. Additionally, I also shared a software architecture based on the declarative programming paradigm, which is becoming increasingly popular with the rise of Kubernetes.

Completion of the course does not mean the end. I am very happy to continue sharing good content with you, and I hope you can continue to communicate with me in the comments section, sharing your learning experiences and practical knowledge.