41 Silicon Valley First Line Internet Company Work Experience

41 Silicon Valley First-line Internet Company Work Experience #

Hello, I’m Jingxiao.

In the previous four sections, we have learned Python together from the basics to more advanced topics. In this final section, I would like to share with you some of my technical experiences and insights from my work, and talk about my understanding and interpretation.

Firstly, I would like to take you through the work experience and culture of top internet companies in Silicon Valley, using the company I work at, Facebook, as an example.

Flat Management System #

First-tier internet companies in Silicon Valley, including Facebook, implement a flat management system. Here, although there is still a hierarchy, such as Software Engineer -> Engineering Manager -> Director -> VP, the concept of strict superior and subordinate relationships is not emphasized.

The company encourages everyone to actively express their opinions. For example, it is common to see a recent graduate arguing with their boss, and even their boss’s boss over a certain issue.

In addition, the company organizes Q&A sessions every now and then, where we can ask questions to the CEO, CTO, etc. You can ask about the development direction of a certain product, the company’s current focus, or even some sensitive issues.

At the same time, even top-level leaders such as the CEO, CTO, and COO don’t have their own separate offices. They work together with us in an open area, which not only shortens the distance between us but also facilitates communication and discussion.

Open Discussion Platform #

The second point is an open discussion platform. I have always thought that this approach is very good and I like it a lot. Facebook uses their own developed workplace, which is like an open community that consists of different groups. No matter what question you have, you can go to the corresponding group to ask, and there you will find experts in various fields who can help you answer.

For example, if you have a question related to Python, you can go to the Python group to ask. If you have a question about Spark, you can go to the Spark group to ask.

Many times, the products developed by different teams will involve collaborations across teams, and they may need to use APIs, algorithms, frameworks, and so on developed by other teams. Therefore, when using them, it is inevitable to encounter some problems, and at that time, we usually ask questions in the corresponding groups. After the problem is solved, it is also saved, so that when someone encounters the same problem later, they can directly search for the corresponding post and answer, greatly improving office efficiency.

In addition to the Q&A groups mentioned above, we also have many other types of groups. For example, groups within our own work teams are used to publish important messages and exchange technical information. There are also A/B testing groups for discussing the results of certain experiments, and many other non-technical groups, such as soccer clubs and basketball clubs, for leisure and entertainment.

With such an ecosystem, employees can easily access the information they want and it greatly facilitates communication between employees within the company. It can be considered a win-win situation.

Data-Driven at the Center #

FB is a typical data-driven company, where everything is based on data. This greatly elevates the status of engineers. For example, when deciding whether to launch an experiment, we first look at various metrics to see if it has a positive impact and improves the user experience.

Furthermore, every time a new project is proposed, we need to conduct extensive data analysis and research. Then, we review it with colleagues and superiors before making a decision. This way, the best evidence for performance evaluation is the improvement in metrics resulting from the experiments we initiate. This kind of strategy is more advantageous for both the company and individuals’ development.

Let’s take Snapchat as a counterexample. It is a typical company that is not centered around being data-driven. The release and changes of their products mostly rely on the subjective judgments of product managers and designers, which is actually biased. As we all know, the outcome was not favorable - the products became less popular, the stock price dropped, and many of my colleagues who worked there left one after another.

Bootcamp #

Bootcamp is a famous program within FB. Before officially joining a specific work group, all new FB employees are required to participate in a 4-10 week Bootcamp. Each employee is also assigned a mentor to help them understand FB’s technology stack, culture, and other aspects of work and life.

During the first two weeks of Bootcamp, various courses are usually arranged to help new employees understand FB’s internal tools. After that, there will be a team selection phase, where both the team and the employee have the opportunity to choose each other through discussions and working on internal projects. This allows both parties to have a deeper understanding of each other.

During Bootcamp, especially for recent graduates, you can try different areas, which is very beneficial for future career development. The company also encourages Bootcamp employees to participate in various recreational activities to enhance communication, and all expenses during this period can be reimbursed. Everyone around me shares the same feeling: Bootcamp is truly the most comfortable period within the company.

Encouraging Engineers to Change Directions in Their Careers #

At Facebook, it is very common for engineers to change groups or switch career directions. Many engineers who have been in one group for a long time may want to explore new directions, and this is highly encouraged at the company.

The method is quite simple. Generally, you would be given a few tasks in a new group or spend a month participating in a Hackamonth. This allows both parties to assess the situation. The new group will have a rough understanding of the engineer’s abilities, while the engineer will gain knowledge and further assess their interest in the new group’s work and technologies.

Therefore, at Facebook, you will see many full-stack engineers, myself included, who have dabbled in mobile development, server-side development, and machine learning. Obviously, this system is highly beneficial for the comprehensive development of engineers.

Welfare Policy #

The welfare benefits at FB can be considered one of the best among global Internet companies. In order to retain talent, the company provides many extraordinary benefits that may seem unmatched to outsiders.

First of all, let’s talk about the workstations. The equipment is of top industry standard. Computers can be customized according to personal preferences, for example, you can freely choose an iMac Pro worth over $7,000, and the monitor can be freely selected as a 4K screen worth over $1,000. As for the adjustable desks and chairs, they are all standard Herman Miller brands, with the total price of the desk and chair being over $2,000.

In terms of technical exchanges, in addition to normal learning and training, the company also encourages employees to attend one conference each year, such as ICML and KDD in the field of machine learning, and fully reimburses the related expenses.

In addition, the company provides three meals a day, including free internal snacks and desserts. We have 21 paid vacation days per year, and female employees also have 6 months of paid maternity leave. Additionally, the company provides free access to a gym, swimming pool, and offers a $720 reimbursement for personal fitness trainers each year, and so on.

Conclusion #

The above is my main work experience while working at Facebook. In Silicon Valley, working here not only brings technical gains, such as the opportunity to directly interact with top industry experts and gain knowledge of the latest cutting-edge technologies, but also influences my cognition and mindset in areas such as processes, collaboration, and open-source thinking.

In the coming articles, I will continue to share my work experience and summarize my years in technical development, as well as discuss my understanding and thoughts on career direction. I welcome you to join me in the comments section to discuss and exchange ideas on these topics. Sharing and exchanging experiences is an essential part of every technical professional’s growth.