42 Skills Learning Guide

42 Skills Learning Guide #

After studying the previous articles, I believe that half of the people have understood them, while the other half must either have a vague understanding or not understand at all. If you belong to the former category, congratulations. But if you didn’t understand, it’s okay. This article will provide you with specific solutions.

Let’s think back to two things. The first thing is the English we learned when we were in college. At that time, I memorized every word and sentence. Back then, you probably thought you knew everything, right? But how much do you still remember now?

Let’s also recall the skill of riding a bicycle that we learned when we were young. Even after many years, we still haven’t forgotten it. Why is that?

It’s simply because when we learned to ride a bicycle, we acquired the skill through deep practice and repetition. On the other hand, English was just a temporary “skill” for exams. So, if we want to acquire skills that we can use throughout our lives, we must engage in a lot of practice and repetition. Even if you feel that you understood it at the time, you should still try to write it out. The saying “what I hear, I forget; what I see, I remember; what I do, I understand” reflects this principle. If you know these knowledge points, can you write good code?

Practice brings true knowledge, reviewing brings new insights. There are many similar phrases like this, and they are all conclusions derived from countless previous practices. The reason why these phrases have been passed down to this day is that they bring value to future generations.

If you don’t understand, start by typing the code. If you already understand, can you write better code, better methods to achieve the same functionality? This is the best way to learn a technology.

In my 11-year career as a programmer, I have worked with C#, NodeJs, Golang, and React Native for mobile hybrid development. In recent years, I have focused on the Java field. Two years ago, I wrote the FaceAI project in Python. Without any promotion on GitHub, it now has 7k stars. The FaceAI project can be found at:


Why have I been able to acquire so many skills and do well? The method is simply “practice.” For everything I thought I understood, as well as the things I didn’t understand at the time, it didn’t matter. I started by practicing and through step-by-step implementation, I quickly grasped the essence of the skills and built a comprehensive knowledge system for the language.

If there is any shortcut to learning, it must be “practice.”

So, in the end, I hope that everyone can start practicing.

We hope to achieve something. We hope not to be changed by this world. We hope that all our dreams will come true. So, right now, we can’t just “talk the talk.”