43 Add on Redis Visualization Management Tools

43 Add-on Redis Visualization Management Tools #

Redis only provides a command-line Redis client, redis-cli, which can be inconvenient to use. Typically, we have to enter a series of commands, and the command-line client may not be very intuitive. For these reasons, we need to find a visual Redis client. Here are some Redis visual clients that I have used over the years, which I would like to share with everyone.

RedisClient #

Is it free?: Yes.

Project description: Redis client written in Java, with rich features and free of charge.

Supported platforms: Windows.

Project link: https://github.com/caoxinyu/RedisClient



Redis Desktop Manager #

Is it free?: No, it is a paid application.

Project description: A cross-platform Redis desktop management software based on Qt5.

Supported platforms: Windows, macOS, Linux.

Project link: https://github.com/uglide/RedisDesktopManager



RedisStudio #

Is it free?: Yes.

Project description: Redis management tool written in C++, which is quite old and hasn’t been updated for quite some time.

Supported platforms: Windows.

Project link: https://github.com/cinience/RedisStudio



AnotherRedisDesktopManager #

Is it free?: Yes.

Project description: Redis desktop manager developed using Node.js. Its advantage is that it is relatively stable and does not crash with large amounts of data.

Supported platforms: Windows, macOS, Linux.

Project link: https://github.com/qishibo/AnotherRedisDesktopManager




Other Redis visualization tools #

Summary #

I have personally used the first 4 clients mentioned above. Recently, I have been using AnotherRedisDesktopManager and Redis Desktop Manager. However, I regret purchasing the macOS version of Redis Desktop Manager for ¥98. One of the reasons is that the interface is not aesthetically pleasing and lacks the finesse expected from paid software. I recommend everyone to use the free version of AnotherRedisDesktopManager.