17 Rocket Mq Cluster Performance Optimization

17 RocketMQ Cluster Performance Optimization #

Introduction #

In this article, we will optimize the RocketMQ cluster from two dimensions: system parameters and cluster parameters. The goal is to make the RocketMQ run more smoothly. Stability is often more important than simply improving TPS (transactions per second). Based on the actual production environment, this article provides examples of pitfalls caused by parameter settings that led to unstable clusters and affected business operations.

System Parameter Tuning #

After extracting the RocketMQ installation package, there is a file called os.sh in the bin directory. This file provides system parameter configurations recommended by RocketMQ official. Usually, these parameters can meet the system requirements, but they can also be adjusted according to the actual situation. It is important to note that Linux kernel version 2.6 or below should not be used. It is recommended to use Linux kernel version 3.10 or above. If you are using CentOS, you can choose CentOS 7 or above. Problems that occur when using Linux kernel version 2.6 will be discussed in the later section on pitfalls.

Maximum File Count #

Set the maximum number of files opened by the user:

vim /etc/security/limits.conf
# End of file
baseuser soft nofile 655360
baseuser hard nofile 655360
* soft nofile 655360
* hard nofile 655360

System Parameter Settings #

The adjustment of system parameters follows the recommendations from the official documentation. Below, we explain each parameter. You can directly execute sh os.sh to complete the system parameter configuration, or you can manually add the following content to the vim /etc/sysctl.conf file and then execute sysctl -p to make it take effect.


Parameter explanations:

Parameter Meaning
overcommit_memory Determines whether the kernel allows memory overcommit. overcommit_memory=0: the kernel checks if there is enough memory space when a user requests memory. overcommit_memory=1: the kernel always believes that there is enough memory space until it is used up. overcommit_memory=2: the kernel prohibits any form of memory overcommitment.
drop_caches When data is written, the kernel clears the cache to free up memory. drop_caches=1: clears the page cache (file). drop_caches=2: clears the inode and directory cache. drop_caches=3: clears both.
zone_reclaim_mode zone_reclaim_mode=0: the system tends to allocate memory from other nodes. zone_reclaim_mode=1: the system tends to reclaim cache memory from the local node.
max_map_count Defines the maximum number of memory areas a process can have. The default value is 65536.
dirty_background_ratio/dirty_ratio When the dirty cache reaches a certain level, the pdflush process is triggered to write the dirty cache back to disk. The values of dirty_background_ratio/dirty_ratio are automatically calculated when dirty_background_bytes/dirty_bytes exist.
dirty_writeback_centisecs Specifies the interval at which pdflush automatically runs (in hundredths of a second).
page-cluster Specifies the number of memory pages (exponent of 2) involved in each swap in or swap out operation. page-cluster=0: 1 page. page-cluster=1: 2 pages. page-cluster=2: 4 pages. page-cluster=3: 8 pages.
swappiness swappiness=0: swap space is used only when there is a shortage of memory, and the remaining free memory falls below the vm.min_free_kbytes limit. swappiness=1: a minimal amount of swapping is performed and swapping is not disabled. Only applicable for kernel versions 3.5 and above, or Red Hat kernel version 2.6.32-303 and above. swappiness=10: recommended when there is sufficient memory in the system in order to improve performance. swappiness=60: default value. swappiness=100: the kernel will actively use swap space.

Cluster Parameter Tuning #

Production Environment Configuration #

Here is a configuration file used in production environments, along with an explanation of its parameters. Just make slight modifications to the cluster name and you can use it as the configuration file for your production environment.

Example configuration:


Parameter explanations:

Parameter Meaning
brokerClusterName Cluster name.
brokerName Broker name.
Property Name Description
———————————– ——————————————————————————————————————————-
brokerId 0 represents the master node
listenPort The port on which the broker listens
namesrvAddr The address of the nameserver
defaultTopicQueueNums The default number of queues when creating a topic
autoCreateTopicEnable Whether to allow automatic creation of topics. It is recommended to disable in production environments and enable in non-production environments
autoCreateSubscriptionGroup Whether to allow automatic creation of consumer groups. It is recommended to disable in production environments and enable in non-production environments
deleteWhen The time to clean up expired logs. “04” indicates cleaning starting at 4 AM
fileReservedTime The time (in hours) to keep log files. 48 means 48 hours, i.e., 2 days
mapedFileSizeCommitLog The size of the commitlog file
mapedFileSizeConsumeQueue The size of the ConsumeQueue file
diskMaxUsedSpaceRatio When the disk usage exceeds this ratio, log cleaning operations will be triggered
storePathRootDir The root directory for storing RocketMQ logs and other data
storePathCommitLog The directory for storing the CommitLog
storePathConsumeQueue The directory for storing the ConsumeQueue
storePathIndex The directory for storing index files
storeCheckpoint The directory for storing checkpoint files
abortFile The directory for storing abort files
maxMessageSize The maximum size (in bytes) allowed for a single message
flushCommitLogLeastPages The number of pages (each page is 4KB) that need to be flushed if the size of unflushed messages exceeds this setting
flushConsumeQueueLeastPages The number of pages (each page is 4KB) that need to be flushed if the size of unflushed consume queue exceeds this setting
flushCommitLogThoroughInterval The interval (in seconds) between two consecutive flush operations on messages. Default: 10 seconds
flushConsumeQueueThoroughInterval The interval (in seconds) between two consecutive flush operations on consume queues. Default: 60 seconds
brokerRole The role of the broker. ASYNC_MASTER represents an asynchronously replicated master node, SYNC_MASTER represents a synchronously replicated master node, and SLAVE represents a slave node
flushDiskType The disk flushing type. ASYNC_FLUSH represents asynchronous flushing, and SYNC_FLUSH represents synchronous flushing
maxTransferCountOnMessageInMemory The maximum number of messages that can be pulled in one request when consuming messages
transientStorePoolEnable Whether to enable off-heap memory transfer
warmMapedFileEnable Whether to enable file warming
pullMessageThreadPoolNums The size of the thread pool for pulling messages
slaveReadEnable Whether to enable reading messages from the slave node. If the ratio of memory occupied by messages exceeds 40%, the messages will be read from the 0th node of the slave
transferMsgByHeap Whether to read messages from heap memory when consuming messages
waitTimeMillsInSendQueue The waiting time (in milliseconds) in the sending queue. If it exceeds this setting, a timeout error will be thrown

Optimization Recommendations #

There are several properties of the broker that may affect the stability of the cluster’s performance. They are explained below.

1. Enable asynchronous flushing

Except for certain payment scenarios or low TPS scenarios (e.g., TPS below 2000), it is recommended to enable asynchronous flushing to improve cluster throughput.


2. Enable slave read permission

The size of messages occupying physical memory is configured by accessMessageInMemoryMaxRatio, with a default value of 40%. If the consumed messages are not in memory, enabling slaveReadEnable will read the messages from the slave node, thereby increasing the memory utilization of the master.


3. Number of messages pulled in one request

The number of messages pulled in one request during consumption is determined jointly by the broker and the consumer client, with a default value of 32. The broker-side parameter is set by maxTransferCountOnMessageInMemory, and the consumer-side parameter is set by pullBatchSize. It is recommended to set a larger value on the broker side, such as 1000, to leave more room for adjustment on the consumer side.


4. Waiting time in the sending queue

When a message is sent to the broker, the waiting time in the queue is set by the waitTimeMillsInSendQueue parameter, with a default value of 200ms. It is recommended to set a larger value, such as 1000ms to 5000ms. If set too short, the sending client will experience timeouts.


5. Master-Slave asynchronous replication

To improve cluster performance, in production environments, it is recommended to set the role to ASYNC_MASTER for master-slave asynchronous replication, as the performance of master-slave synchronous replication is relatively low in stress testing.


6. Increase cluster stability

To improve cluster stability, the following three parameters are particularly important. They will also be mentioned in the troubleshooting cases.

Disable off-heap memory:


Disable file warming:


Enable heap memory transfer:
