12 Case Study 1 Function Compute in Video Scenarios

12 Case Study 1- Function Compute in Video Scenarios #

When it comes to migration, everyone is likely to be interested because it’s not realistic to completely start from scratch when you want to try Serverless. However, it would be interesting to migrate existing projects. If we can easily and quickly migrate existing web projects to the Serverless architecture and achieve one-click deployment on the Serverless architecture, it will bring a lot of convenience.

It is well known that Serverless architecture has many excellent features, such as:

  • Pay-as-you-go: Charges based on the number of requests, no charges when there are no requests.
  • Elastic scalability: Users do not need to worry about traffic peaks, they only need to deploy their projects on the Serverless architecture. Function Compute itself has extremely strong elastic capabilities, which can quickly assist with dynamic scaling.

If we can deploy our existing web projects on Function Compute, then our projects will also have the above-mentioned features.

Operation Steps Demonstration #

  • Click to view [video demonstration](link to the video)

1. Prepare an Express project #

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First, prepare an existing Express project for testing. If you don’t have an Express project, you can initialize one.

After the initialization is complete, we can follow the prompts to execute npm install to install the relevant dependencies. At this point, our Express project has been initialized.

2. Deploy with Fun tool in one click #

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After our project is initialized, we can use the Funcraft tool to deploy the project with just one click. The so-called one-click deployment is not an exaggeration because you only need to execute fun deploy -y, and the system will automatically recognize your project type and help you with the deployment.

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After the deployment is complete, we can see a custom domain. Opening this URL, we can see that an Express project has already been deployed locally and published online.

By completing the above steps, we have migrated a simple web framework.

Of course, the one-click migration capability of Function Compute is not limited to the Express framework. For more related information, please visit the Function Compute product page!